PHONE: 719.357.7780

7702 Barnes Road, Suite 140, #48, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80922


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website created by Sci-Fi Book Cover Designer



Your Potential Readers Absolutely WILL

Judge Your Book By It’s Cover!


Are you on the verge of releasing a brilliant science fiction novel, and want to make sure that your book does more than just sit on a bookstore shelf, or even worse, in your garage?


A book’s cover is one of the main reasons that book sells or doesn't sell.  Research shows that a the cover design is one of the most important factors in a reader’s purchasing decision, so choosing your design is not a process you should take lightly.  Your cover design is way too important for you not to give it the same care and attention that went into writing your book.  Frankly put, you do NOT want to screw this up…and we’re not going to let you.  Making sure that your book cover is spectacular is, quite simply, what we do.


Every self-published author is plagued by the same worrisome questions: how do I make my work stand out from the crowd?


How do I prevent it from getting lost in the void of other’s unsuccessful books?  And, most importantly, how do I sell a TON of copies?  The answer begins before anyone ever opens your book.  With one glance, in one instant, your book’s cover will make an important impression, and that impression will make the difference between someone picking up your book or moving on to the next.


You chose every word in your book with care, now choosing the right design for it’s cover deserves the same attention.


In fact, it is critical to your book’s success.  Choosing the right designer is the first step in making sure that your cover will convey the passion and the creativity you instilled in your work.  You put your heart and soul into your writing…now let's put it on your cover design.


To begin the process that will ignite your book towards a successful launch and long-term sales, please click here to schedule a free consultation.

"I sold a book to a waiter at a restaurant yesterday because of the cover - I love having the book with me. It really is a great cover. So many subtle things to keep me looking at it.


The local author coordinator at Tattered Cover Book Store was going to place The Blood up right on her desk while it was being logged-in so she could just stare at the cover. The first time she saw it her first word was "wow!"


I am so privileged and lucky to have you working on my covers. Thank you, Nathan. I am honored. You have made my imagination visible."


– Allynn Riggs, author of

"The Blood – The Stone's Blade : Book One," Centennial, Colorado